
5 crucial steps to move to a company business structure


The 5 crucial steps to move to a company business structure A company business structure is a popular business structure for Australian businesses. As an accountant and business coach we find ourselves recommending a change to a company business structure regularly. That doesn’t mean it is for everyone. We have [...]

5 crucial steps to move to a company business structure2020-07-08T22:39:47+00:00

13 ways to use Cloud Accounting to automate your business and save time and money


13 ways to use Cloud Accounting to automate your business and save time and money As a small business owner, admin, accounting and bookkeeping can be expensive, overwhelming, daunting and time consuming. Businesses in Australia are estimated to spend $31.1. billion and 4.9% of their time on admin and accounting [...]

13 ways to use Cloud Accounting to automate your business and save time and money2020-07-01T22:44:46+00:00

COVID-19 a horror story for small business or an opportunity?


COVID-19 a horror story for small business or an opportunity? COVID-19 or Coronavirus… it’s a term that just 7 months ago meant nothing to any of us. Fast forward to June 2020 and for many small business owners it feels like a horror story. I hear and read things like: [...]

COVID-19 a horror story for small business or an opportunity?2020-06-12T03:45:12+00:00

Top tips to get paid faster- boost cashflow and pay your bills


Top tips to get paid faster- boost cashflow and pay your bills Cash flow can be a make or break for small business. For every day you go unpaid you are costing your business money, money that could be used to pay rent, suppliers or your team, it’s money that [...]

Top tips to get paid faster- boost cashflow and pay your bills2020-04-28T03:04:13+00:00

Crisis Management- COVID-19 and beyond


Crisis Management- COVID-19 and beyond We are in a time of intense difficulty, where businesses all over the globe are struggling to reinvent, stabilise and survive- this is the definition of a crisis. For some this is the first crisis their business has faced, for others crisis management is something [...]

Crisis Management- COVID-19 and beyond2020-04-22T04:06:52+00:00

Innovation in a Pandemic


Innovation in a Pandemic The global pandemic that is COVID-19 is having unprecedented impacts on our lives and our businesses. From economic impacts to social impacts it feels hard to predict what change could be coming next. For me though, this is a chance for positive change. It’s a chance [...]

Innovation in a Pandemic2020-05-26T03:14:19+00:00

10 Things You CAN do in COVID-19


10 Things You CAN do in COVID-19 Coronavirus… it’s the virus on everyone’s lips (and hands) at the moment. As a small business owner the challenge is real. Whether your business has been closed by restrictions, your business changed or your income reduced, everyone seems to be affected by this [...]

10 Things You CAN do in COVID-192020-05-26T03:14:45+00:00

13 questions every business owner should ask before the end of financial year


13 questions every business owner should ask before the end of financial year We know the end of the financial year can be overwhelming. We have put together a list of 13 questions every business owner should ask themselves ahead of the end of the financial year on 30 June [...]

13 questions every business owner should ask before the end of financial year2019-06-20T22:27:40+00:00

The perfect pitch- Essential small business skills


The perfect pitch- Essential small business skills Pitching, it’s a key skill for small business owners, salespeople and anyone looking to build their career. But where do you start? What makes a great pitch? How do you stand out in people’s minds? And if pitching isn’t a natural skill to [...]

The perfect pitch- Essential small business skills2019-05-02T21:45:06+00:00

Knock their socks off- How to introduce yourself and create an impression


Knock their socks off- How to introduce yourself and create an impression Pitching is a skill that has become essential for every small business owner. Whether you are networking, speaking to potential clients, directly selling a product or trying to gain funding for your business venture pitching is [...]

Knock their socks off- How to introduce yourself and create an impression2019-04-04T08:57:19+00:00